Student Film Casting
We are happy to assist student film makers to cast their film projects. This service attracts a reasonable fee for professional productions, however in an effort to assist student film makers gain industry experience we offer assistance at no charge.
Casting is an important part of film making and for the student film maker it is just as important to capture great performances on film as it is to get the shot, sound and lighting right.
We provide this service to all film making courses so it’s not unusual for us to be casting 5 – 10 student films at any one time, (not to mention the paying jobs) so in an effort to keep the workload for us to a minimum please provide us with the information below.
Step 1
Fill in Short Film Producer form (DOC) and return to Actors Ink
Step 2
A Differed Payment Contract will be sent to the Producer outlining the usage of the film and the terms for which the actors image can be used. We’ve found it’s best to use a Differed Payment contract with a NIL fee giving the Producer the right to use the actors performance for Film Festival, Pitching Purposes or Assessment Purposes. This contract also gives the Producer the flexibility to upgrade the usage paying applicable award fees should the film be screened beyond the initial agreed terms.
Step 3
Set a date for auditions. (It's preferred auditions are conducted at Actors Ink... Use of audition studio is free.)
Step 4
Email the following:
- Film Script
- Film Synopsis
- Character Breakdown
- Audition pieces if you wish to hold auditions
Step 5
Upon receiving information we set about casting your film emailing 4 or 5 headshots of suitable actors for each role.
Step 6
From these headshots you will choose actors with the look you are after. You can rest assured the actors we put forward are capable of providing the performance you are after. We ask you choose a first second and third choice for each role as sometimes actors are not available for shoot dates, or not interested in student films.
Step 7
Choices made we contact the actors briefing them on the film and the commitment required, role, shoot dates etc. If the actor is interested we book their audition time.
Step 8
Following the audition we ask you contact us with your decisions so we can advise the actor. At this point we provide you (The Producer) with contact details for the actors.
Step 9
We ask you give Actors Ink a casting credit in the credits:
Contact us for more details.